


Together with our long-standing partner companies, which are active throughout Europe and have experience in large public. facilities such as kindergartens, schools and homes, we offer the following services to our customers.

An employee of our company makes an on-site inspection to determine the hygiene status.
Existing deficiencies are discussed and you receive a hygiene status report –

Basis for the creation of the specific hygiene report.
According to § 36 (1) IfSG, all facilities are obliged to create internal procedures for infection hygiene and to document them in the form of a hygiene plan and to make them available to all employees.

The plan template is adapted to the existing conditions and the responsibilities are defined. After about 3 weeks you will receive the hygiene plan adapted to the facility for you to check.
Finally, you will receive an adapted hygiene plan from us as a printed copy.

We carry out continuous updates, e.g. in the event of changes in laws or recommendations. So you can be sure that your plan is always up to date!

The hygiene plan contains internal procedural instructions that serve to create or maintain consistent hygiene quality. The hygiene plan is binding for all employees of the facility as well as for the external cleaning staff.